from LA Times
Rachel McAdams does fame her way
기사를 읽다가 너무 멋진 표현이라서 적어봅니다.
fame her way
그녀의 명성을 쌓아나가다.
읽다가 무릎을 탁 쳤습니다. 정말 멋진 표현이에요.
제가 전에 올린 글에 쇼생크 탈출에서 주인공 앤디가 자신의 사건에 대해서 심사숙고하다라는 표현으로
Andy went on in that musing way of his.
라는 표현과 일맥 상통합니다. way를 써서 너무나 멋진 표현들이 나오네요.
There's a story that always comes up when people talk about Rachel McAdams, one that reveals her ambivalence about the machinery of Hollywood.
A decade ago, after she'd just starred in three huge hits in a row, "The Notebook," "Mean Girls" and "Wedding Crashers," she was asked to pose on the cover of Vanity Fair. She was supposed to be photographed by Annie Leibovitz alongside two other beautiful and popular young actresses, Scarlett Johansson and Keira Knightley. ...
출처: LA Times
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